发布于:2020-7-21 03:06:26  访问:12 次 回复:0 篇
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Company Formation In Germany
A business registration is required, whenever an independent commercial enterprise (headquarters, branch office, dependent subsidiary) with fixed premises is newly established. In doing this, WW+KN will ensure for the client that the German formal requirements are met and there will be no fines or late fees for the foreign client. The articles of incorporation have to be published in a local newspaper that circulates in the area the principal business executive office is located.
Foreign companies must submit an application for German VAT registration at the jurisdictional tax office for the relevant state. A registered auditor must audit the company`s accounts. You will be expected to add it to whatever you charge for each item you sell to your customers and each service you perform for them, and send this money regularly to the tax office.
Direct trade: If a foreign business entity wants to sell their products or services in Germany and does not need an establishment in Germany, has no or limited registration obligation. This is necessary if the company shall operate in the form of a corporation, for example, a GmbH (German limited liability company).
The distinction between a subsidiary and a branch office is important, as it determines whether an entry must be made in the Commercial Register. Based on the country where the company is from, different German tax offices (Finanzamt) are responsible for the VAT registration.
Company Registration Germany is an extremely rigid but straightforward process when completed correctly. According to experience, the German tax offices are very critical when it comes to VAT registration of foreign companies, and they often ask questions. Any person operating a business, trade or any other commercial venture in Munich has to register at the Business Licensing Office.
If you do find a company that will pre-register your domain name for a fee make sure they ensure a full refund of all fees if they are not successful in registering your chosen name. You`re a foreigner working as researcher or scientists in Germany. Offshores in Germany are not established, the registration of an offshore company in Germany is prohibited in terms of legislation.
Registration is required within a month of the establishment of the business, and no later than a month of the notarizing of the articles of association. Legal entities that are in the process of being established (GmbH, AG, UG) are required to submit a notarised copy of their partnership agreement or statutes as well as statements of approval by their associates.
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